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Day 18 – Growing UpQuarter of a centuryMany lessons learnedJust like in parenthoodSlow days quickly became yearsWho would’ve that we end up heretoday?Looking like this, feeling like that aboutourselves?What comes next, only God knowswhere we’re headingWorrying means I doubt the One whoknows my fateAshamed for […]
Day 23 – Grief Shelter Dear father, were you ever there for me?Dear girlfriend, you have never cared for me.Dear brothers, didn’t call, weren’t here.Dear demons, you’re the only ones who re left for me.Dear mother, on your cradle my hand.Dear darling, your love is […]
For many people you are but a stormsending wee grains in a gyreacross the seafar – out – traveling. Where bright sand serves as mirror to the seassince it curves gently along the dunes‘ creaseyou commence, still-tongue-tied wind,awakening softly, to lift the golden watersthat, dancing […]
Someone in China could have been more carefulSomeone in Europe should have stayed at homeWhen the sniffles cameshouldn’t have gone skiingor partying. Fewer people would have gotten sickfewer would have diedfewer would have turned right-wingor we wouldn’t have noticed as muchWe would have fewer depressed […]
It happensthat I’m tastingwords trilinguallyrheumy and saltywarm as tearsin a loud afarmouths slurpingfruit and teawith stuffed belliesdo we stay more healthy do the sorrows stay distant I think I’m wondering how can I teach youthis long wordadequatelyit cannot besung nor dancedmy mother sayspermit of residencemy […]
My best friend is sitting in front of me. It’s helpless, even after the fifth look on the menu the mascot of the Biergarten still smirks back: the silhouette of a pig. Loud and pink, but cute is not an attribute which comes into our […]
Tag 12 – Warum ich keine Poetin bin Ich bin keine Poetinich schreibe keine schönen Versekeine Reimekeine lyrischen Strophen.Ich schrieb noch nie eine Balladenie ein Sonettoder eine Ode. Alles, was ich tueist Worte zu sortierenwenn mein Herzsie durch meine Blutbahnpumpt wenn meine Seele mit ihnenüberquillt. […]
An invisible monster frightens the world. The daily news do not allow us to see anything positive. Just like this, creepingly, secretly, quietly it expelled you and me. Suddenly disposed precaution have turned our lives upside down. It is no surprise that we need to […]